The word hind was coined by Persians referring to people beyond the Indus river also know as Sind. It is a geographic identity .
Later the natives of bharat know for their accommodating nature absorbed these identities and started referring the word hindu to their ancient civilization.
After a 1000 years of invasion it is important to define clearly the meaning of words.
hindu culture the highest goal is moksha or liberation freedom/ liberty is the highest goal. To achieve this goal the 3 pillars are dharma (rightenousness) , artha ( resources ) and kama (aspiration).
In the human body the aspiration to free oneself from slavery of senses , the resources created by effort and disciple that is regular practice of asana (intense awareness of cerebrospinal centers) , pranayama (control of life energies) & pratyahara (withdrawal of sensory currents) , the dharma the practice of dharna (concentration) and dhyana (meditation) gives freedom that is samadhi (balanced intelligence).
In the macrocosm
Dharma is the establishment of law which protect individual liberty, Artha is the resource required for establishment of dharma.