Inequality at any given instant is inherent in mother nature. The animal kingdom has diverse creatures some strong some weak some beautiful some not so beautiful. The indweller in all beings is the same consciousness. In creation humans have been gifted with free will. Guided by different propensities humans pursue different objectives at different intensity.
A specific good cant be produced all at once hence there will always be someone who gets the goods first and in a free market it is generally the one who gave society the most value.
How fast the good or service will travel to entire population is dependent on production rate which in turn is dependent on the percentage number of people working productively
For example in india only 40% of the labour force is engaged in productive labour the rest are subjected to a parasite existence. Bringing 60 % into job will multiply gdp by 2.5 times.
For socialist propaganda to work focus is shifted towards paper influence rather than true wealth which is goods and services. When they say 1% has 40 % wealth, they cleverly replace influence with wealth. Wealth is food , the area you occupy, consumer goods , vehicles , leisure time , healthcare etc.
Its is preposterous to even think 1% is eating 40% of the food produced or 1% has the 40 % of smart phones or 40 % of bikes and cars or 40% of total national leisure time or 40% of hospital beds. People must realize the only way to come out of poverty for the entire population, is production of resources. Stealing resources cant make population rich , it only makes gangster chief rich.
Citizens have to understand one thing employment is most important. All this political marketing of providing personal goods education health food electricity housing pocket money travel etc. If you have a job you will be able to have all these at a much higher standard. You sell your vote for parasite existence ( video on lower class travel, slum housing , grain food, while you can have comfortable lifeĀ